What Do You Think About Climate Emergency?

The world is in a state of climate emergency and time is running out. Global temperatures are rising. This alarming trend has led to alarming consequences, ranging from intense heatwaves to rising sea levels, devastating wildfires to the bleaching of precious coral reefs.

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Elephants face threats like never before

If you want to help protect elephants, refuse to buy ivory and other illegal wildlife products and help spread the word about Wildlife Trafficking to your friends and family.

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Planet Earth Is A Unique Place

Planet Earth is like no other. It’s home to over 8 million species of plants and animals. The man-made activities severely destructing the natural environment and its resources.

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The Planet Conservancy Activities

Imagine a world where forests flourish and oceans are full of life. Where energy is as clean as a mountain stream. Where everyone has security, dignity and joy. We can’t build this future alone, but we can build it together.

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Speak up for the Planet Earth

Planet Earth Is A Unique Place
Planet Earth is a happy place. This is because of its unique environment. The presence of air and water, the right amounts of sunlight and moisture, and the right range of temperature are some factors that make the Earth capable of sustaining life.
  • Ommar Faruk
  • 29 Oct 2023
  • 2 min read
What Do You Think About Climate Emergency?
The world is in a state of climate emergency and time is running out. Global temperatures are rising due to human activities like the widespread use of fossil fuels - coal, oil, gas - in homes, factories, and transports.
  • Ommar Faruk
  • 04 Oct 2023
  • 3 min read
Elephants Face Threats Like Never Before.
Elephants face threats like never before. Time is running out, with poaching and deforestation pushing them towards the brink of extinction.
  • Ommar Faruk
  • 04 Oct 2023
  • 1 min read

Our Mission

Our Mission of the Planet Conservancy is to conserve and save the Environment, Forests, Waters, Oceans, Natural beauty, Biodiversity and Ecological balance of our planet on which all life depends

Our Vision

Our vision is a Planet where the diversity of life thrives and every living being can flourish in harmony with the earth. We see empowered communities engaging in eco-friendly practices, recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship, actively participating in conservation initiatives and developing sustainable solutions.